women with long-covid ebv virus corona inflamatation reaction Lion Pharmacy

Long-COVID symptoms as a result of EBV reactivation?

Is a reactivation EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus) possbilby involved in Long-COVID ? 

EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus) is a species of human pathogenic, enveloped, double-stranded DNA virus of the family Herpesviridae. Also known as infectious mononucleosis, is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which belongs to the herpesvirus family. 

Almost over 80% of the population have Epstein Bar Virus (EBV) in them without feeling any symptoms. Others have very severe symptoms of lymphatic swelling, headache, sore throat, liver strain, swelling of the spleen, and deep prolonged fatigue (so-called CFS).

Long-COVID & EBV research from US study

Researchers led by Jeffrey Gold of the World Organization in the USA have now investigated (see Study: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0817/10/6/763), which role reactivation may play in long covid patients or also influence the intensity of covid disease.

EBV reactivation was found in 66.7% of 30 patients with long-term COVID-19 symptoms whose EBV status was determined.

According to the research team, ganciclovir is a suitable treatment. One of the few antiviral agents in the pharmaceutical industry.

What can I do ?

Alternative medicine has also taken an interest in the subject. For example, micro-immunotherapy has been dealing with the (re)activation of EBV in the blood for a very long time and as its main focus. What are the reasons and how can (re)activation be contained and sustainably influenced?

Strengthening the immune system through micro-immunotherapy is one approach.

As a pharmacist and non-medical practitioner, I recommend my customers with viral infections: Labo Life 2L EID | Omni-Biotic Pro-Vi | Orthomol Hair intense | Labo Life 2L MIREG

For more information please do not hesitate to contact me.

dr sandra hoff

Dr. Sandra Hoff

Pharmacist and naturopath 

Owner of Löwen Apotheke c/o Lion Pharmacy, Mein Schüssler Salz, Nature First Products, HOFF Cosmetics. 
Lichtentaler Str.3, 76530 Baden-Baden, Deutschland

For more information please do not hesitate to contact me

Hair loss – Corona side effect? What to do?

women with hair loss, corona virus side effect Lion Pharmacy

Hair loss ? Shortly after a corona infection ?

Hair loss is another common symptom after a corona infection. According to the specialist journal “The Lancet Journal” (study 2020 Jin Yin tan hospital in Wuhan), around 22 percent stated hair loss as a symptom or a consequence of their corona infection.

Hair loss as a corona side effect: the good news first.

Hair loss is temporary, meaning it takes time to recover. Nutrient loss, or in other words, increased nutrient consumption, is a key cause.
It is typical after a severe infection such as Corona, but also after a severe flu as well as operations and other chronic diseases that the so-called skin appendages suffer. The body goes from the important to the “unimportant”. Don’t get me wrong, of course hair is important, especially in terms of aesthetics, well-being etc., but from the point of view of the body, hair is dispensable for the body for a short time.

But we don’t have to stand idly by.

I recommend Priorin by Bayer for nutritional hair loss. The capsules in combination with the shampoo are particularly effective. You should use this combination for at least 3 months, as the hair roots grow cyclically, i.e. are in growth phases. In the resting phase, it does not catch and the effect is therefore not optimal.

Hair loss as a corona side effect? Let’s talk

As a pharmacist and non-medical practitioner, I recommend my customers with viral infections: Labo Life 2L EID | Omni-Biotic Pro-Vi | Orthomol Hair intense

For more information please do not hesitate to contact me.

dr sandra hoff

Dr. Sandra Hoff

Pharmacist and naturopath 

Owner of Löwen Apotheke c/o Lion Pharmacy, Mein Schüssler Salz, Nature First Products, HOFF Cosmetics. 
Lichtentaler Str.3, 76530 Baden-Baden, Deutschland

For more information please do not hesitate to contact me

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