herpes – cold sores

women with herpes, Lion Pharmacy herpes imgame lizence from AdobeStock_219774827

Problems with herpes - cold sores?

Cold sores are caused by contagious herpes viruses. They are virus-filled blisters or sores on the mouth. About objects, e.g. These viruses can be transmitted through doorknobs or through skin contact, e.g. through kissing, and can cause severe pain or burning. Finally, they heal through crusting and can also lead to unsightly scars.

The disease usually breaks out when the immune system is weakened – e.g. due to a cold, intense sun, heavy physical exertion, etc. Herpes diseases can become annoying because they occur again and again, sometimes several times a month or year.

How can the viral disease be treated?

This condition usually clears up on its own after 7 days and does not necessarily require therapy. However, if outbreaks occur more frequently and the general condition suffers due to tiredness and lethargy, immunotherapy may be indicated.

In addition to vitamin therapy with high-dose vitamin C and zinc, I also use amino acid therapy with lysine in my practice. The third pillar is micro immunotherapy. The preparation from Labo Life 2L HERP supports the immune system to deal better with the herpes virus, the outbreak is less, occurs less often or not at all. Herpes therapy – Labo Life. As a 4th pillar, I recommend intestinal therapy to strengthen the immune system. The body’s defenses begin in the gut.

Good to know:

Herpes in general and as viruses: Herpes labialis is triggered by herpes type 1, which must be differentiated from genital herpes. This is triggered by another herpes variant, namely type 2. In this case, other microimmunotherapeutic agents might be recommended.
There are a lot of other viruses that fall into the so-called herpes virus group. This includes e.g. B. also the Ebstein Bar Virus (glandular fever, also called mononucleosis).

How long does the herpes therapy last?

Therapy lasts 3 months. In severe courses up to 6 months.

How often do I have to repeat the therapy?

It all depends on how badly your immune system is affected by the virus and what other viruses your body still has to “fight” with. A so-called virus serology can be helpful for this. This is a blood test in which one can still detect active viruses or so-called reactive viruses. Then it may make sense to take a cure twice a year.

dr sandra hoff

Dr. Sandra Hoff

Pharmacist and naturopath 

Owner of Löwen Apotheke c/o Lion Pharmacy, Mein Schüssler Salz, Nature First Products, HOFF Cosmetics. 
Lichtentaler Str.3, 76530 Baden-Baden, Deutschland

For more information please do not hesitate to contact me

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