NeyDil No.79 D7 ampoules
“Mucosa nasalis lysat. bovis fetal. extractum lyophilisatum aquosum” – NeyDil No.79 D7,
The organ homeopathic preparations offered by vitOrgan for biomolecular therapy use natural organic substances with a regulatory and metabolic effect in order to physiologically normalize processes that have gone out of balance. Biomolecular vitOrgan therapy has been a most successful therapy for 60 years. It forms a bridge between the so-called fields of orthodox medicine and naturopathy. It makes use of naturally, regulatory and metabolically functioning substances, which are available in both humans and animals, to normalize diseases by changing the physiological processes which are no longer in balance – and with this, treating the patient not only symptomatically, but also causally. According to the principle “heart heals heart, kidney heals kidney, organ heals organ”, it is important to awaken the power of weakened cells through targeted regulation.
Biomolecular vitOrgan therapy is a successful therapy. It bridges the gap between so-called conventional medicine and natural healing methods. In doing so, she uses the natural regulatory and metabolic substances that are present in humans and animals alike in order to physiologically normalize processes that have become unbalanced in the event of an illness – and thus not only treat the patient symptomatically, but causally. Don’t block, regulate. This is the central principle of vitOrgan therapy, which treats people in their entirety through its networked and holistic way of thinking.
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Other vitOrgan products can be find here: vitOrgan
For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.